Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Covers from Susanna Kearsley!

Susanna Kearsley (an author whose books I love and which are very reminiscent of Mary Stewart) scanned a bunch of her Mary Stewart covers and sent them to us. Yay! Thanks, Susanna!

I've added them all to the cover gallery on the website. Here are some of my favorites:

The Gabriel Hounds, original UK hardback, Hodder & Stoughton, 1967. I love the colors on this one.

Touch Not the Cat, UK hardback, Hodder & Stoughton, 1976

Thunder on the Right, US Fawcett paperback. I like this one, but why on earth is Jennifer Silver wearing a medieval costume??


Angiegirl said...

Wow. Love that GABRIEL HOUNDS cover.

Kerry said...

I agree, that Gabriel Hounds cover is lovely. And I'm sure that's the editon of Touch Not the Cat I first read from my high school library. I'll have to go over to the cover gallery now and look at the others.

Jennie said...

Angie--I know! It's great. My only complaint is Charles is looking a little old-man-ish. And he is anything but old-man-ish. :)

Kerry--I'd never seen this version of TNtC -- I like the mosaic.

Anonymous said...

This is the only Gabriel Hounds tag on the blog, so I am just randomly commenting here. I re-read GH for the first time in a while and I have seriously underrated it. Great plot, great villains. The description of being high on hashish without knowing it is so priceless. And the setting is a-mazing. Gabriel Hounds, like so many of her books, would make SUCH a wonderful movie. I wonder if the Hayley Mills-ized Moonspinners put her off forever. I would kill to see movies of Gabriel Hounds, Nine Coaches Waiting, Airs Above the Ground and MOST of all, Ivy Tree.