I came across an announcement for a show of Geer's work at the Mulford Gallery in Rockland, ME. From the announcement, it sounds like there will be drawings from his Stewart covers there, though I'm not sure. Anyone live near Rockland who can go check it out for us? The show runs through June 15.
I love that you showcase all of her various covers--love 'em!
Just re-read This Rough Magic. Loved it all over again. :)
I have and love that cover for THIS ROUGH MAGIC. Hadn't seen the NINE COACHES WAITING one, though. Lovely. Somebody hit the show and tell us about it!
Alyssa -- This Rough Magic is my absolute favorite! I've been putting off rereading it for a couple years because I was hoping a break from it would make the next reread even better. ;)
Angie -- Old hardcover copies of Nine Coaches are pricier than most of Stewart's others (especially with jacket). Maybe because it's one of her most popular books. We got this image by scanning a copy from my local public library. That was the hardest book to take back to the library! I really really wanted to "lose" it and pay the fine. But my conscience wouldn't let me. *sigh*
Jennie, lol! I confess to the same desire a time or two myself. ;)
Good bllog post
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