I've recently fallen in love with my Kindle. I never thought I'd jump on the ebook bandwagon, but in the last year or so it has seemed more and more inevitable. And I'm astonished by how pleasant the reading experience is on my Kindle. I still miss the idea of having all my physical books around me -- though even this seems less important now that I am approaching yet another move to a new city.
Every so often I cruise Amazon's Kindle Store to see if they've released Mary Stewart's books in ebook format. There's still nothing in the U.S. store, but the U.K. seems to have the full line of her romantic suspense books! Hopefully this means that the U.S. editions are on their way.
I couldn't find any of the Arthurian series on the U.K. Amazon. Surely they are working on those?
Anyone have any info about Mary Stewart ebooks in other formats besides Kindle?
I hope her books come to Kindle here soon as well. My eyesight isn't what it used to be and I find reading paperbacks very difficult. I go to her books on Amazon every so often and just hit the "Tell the publisher I would like to read this on Kindle" url. Thanks for your site. Love the photos of sights from books. Beautiful.
I love my Kindle and would happily read everything that way these days.
I managed to get three of them locally here in New Zealand as ebooks and a couple more from the UK. Due to geographical restrictions what I can and can't buy where tends to be highly variable. I hope to be able to pick up the rest slowly and I'm using this as an excuse to read/reread.
I'm not aware of any current plans to digitize the Merlin books, but I really wish they would. I'd like to reread them too and these days the print in my old paperbacks is a bit hard on the eyes.
I love my Kindle too. Since I have it I read all the time, everywhere. I download at least one book per day especially from all you can books.
Thank you for the post. Great blog!
Just discovered your blog while refreshing my memories of Mary Stewart after coming across this review of The Ivy Tree.
I just bought a bunch of them from the UK and plan to read them all. Great blog, btw. -- Keishon
I sincerely hope that Nook adopts Mary Stewart e books soon. I also have trouble reading paperback books these days and really like the option of changing font size. I saw the Amazon UK website, and am hoping that the ebook versions come across the pond soon!
Does anyone know if the ebook version of the Merlin books available on www.smashwords.com is legitimate? These are the only versions that I can find of Mary's Merlin series.
I love my Kobo reader! Kobo has quite a selection of Mary Stewart ebooks available (ePub format). I haven't purchased any yet but plan to soon!
In reply to anonymous asking about Smashwords. I have no idea. I was not aware there was a legitimate version of the Aruthurian books available - and I keep checking for one.
My gut reaction is that it's not because it seems to have appeared so quietly - and on Smashwords? I would have assumed a big publisher had the rights? I hope it is. I would love to have a legit ebook version, but right now I don't know.
I just did a websearch for KGStudios and can't find anything at all. For all that they claim to be the publisher of the book (if you look at the Smashwords sample), they don't even show up on the publishers list of Smashwords. I have to say that it all looks very suspicious to me and I won't be giving them any money. I'd still love to be proved wrong, but at this point I'm sceptical.
I just found your blog. I was looking at a picture of dolphins, and out of the blue came a scene form This Rough Magic. I have not read MS' books in years. I have them all but the last few and started to look for the E book version and found you all instead. How sweet to be taken back to such a simple life when I was a teen. Being swept away in MS's novels was so much fun. I read them over and over. I swore I would travel to each and every locale in her stories, but have not managed to get to one of them yet. New Plan. Do it now. LOL. I will go check out the epub versions and get them for my Nook. The paperbacks will not last, and I would like to keep these wonderful escapes.
Oh, and to the person looking for her signature. I did write to her and got a reply, but I will have to search for it. I wrote after reading all of the Merlin stories but the last bit of the Wicked Day. I knew how it ended but could not bring myself to read it. I still have not done so. I wanted to tell her how I did not want those books to end.
like all of you I have spent hours looking for her books for my iPad as I can no longer see the print well. I actually wore out my copy of NINE COACHES WAITING and bought a new one. I was so disappointed when the words were so small.
I will check back often to see if anyone has found them, and if I do, I will surely let you know.
thank you foe this blog...so glad I found it!
We are trying to find the agent or heir who has control of the estate. I'd love to publish these books at Crossroad Press, but only if the money goes to the proper heirs...I agree, this publishing company seems fishy at best... I know Mark Coker at Smashwords - I'll check with him.
Just did my regular check to see whether the Mary Stewart book had shown up yet for US Kindle and lo and behold, they are now there! Yay!
Never mind- false advertising by Amazon. But maybe it's a sign the book will be coming soon to Kindle. :-(
What fun to find a website devoted to my favourite author! I hope the ebooks become available in the US and Canada soon.
A lot of these posts look old. Is there any recent information re e books by Mary Stewart- esp Nine Coaches... and Wildfire.....
did you try the gutenburg project? i know there's at least one title there for download. I used to use the Kindle app on my tablet all the time but now i find i can get a lot of the kinds of books i enjoy for free from sites like uploady or the gutenburg project etc bcos most of my favorite authors are now dead so copyright issues have lapsed. personally with authors i REALLY love i like to collect their works in hardback and have a good collection of Mary Stewarts from opp shops & markets over the years
The books are available in Canada, just not the US. It's very annoying. Who are the heirs and how does one contact them? Perhaps they are still grieving?
The first and third of the Merlin books have been released in Kindle format in the US and a very nice unabridged audiobook of The Crystal Cave "wispersync" with the Kindle. This seems to have happened in October of 2016. Hopefully this is the beginning of a trend, and more will become available in the US soon.
The illegal eBook (Legacy) is still up at Smashwords. It's even on Overdrive and some libraries have it. This really needs to go. It's illegal. This "KGSTudios" says they have worldwide distribution rights. This is BS.
Legal eBook version of The Arthirian Saga are available in the UK.
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