Welcome to the Mary Stewart Novels blog! This is a companion blog to the
fan site my sister, Julie, and I just created for our favorite author, Mary Stewart. There was a sad lack of info on the web about Mary Stewart's books -- there weren't even any decent book synopses out there. So we built our website, because everyone should know about Mary Stewart.

We wanted some way to communicate with visitors to the site, and we didn't like any of the guestbooks that we could find. So we decided to try this blog. Because we like to talk about Mary Stewart and want to meet other fans.
Posts probably will not be published all that frequently. We both have other blogs (Jennie's
book blog and Julie's
craft blog), plus, you know, jobs (that pesky need for food and shelter, I tell you). ;) But we hope to get a post up once a week or so.
A quick tour of MaryStewartNovels.com. We have a
synopses of all her books,
reviews, and some
quotes from interviews we've found with Ms. Stewart. The
extras page has some random features, including a
cover gallery and a
map of settings.
What we need now is feedback! Please let us know what you think of the site and how we can make it better. This is our first website, so we're still trying to figure it all out. Any suggestions are welcome. If you see any typos or broken links, please let us know. Comment here or email us at contact (at) marystewartnovels.com.